9 Crawley Station Gateway - Phase 1 PDF 75 KB
Planning and Economic Development Portfolio
Additional documents:
That the Cabinet:
a) approves the refreshed concept design for the Station Gateway Phase 1 project found at Appendix A of report PES/443; comprising a public realm and bus station improvement scheme focusing on Friary Way, Haslett Avenue West and The Martlets.
b) approves the refreshed concept design to go out to public and stakeholder consultation, prior to the submission of a planning application and procurement of a construction contractor.
c) delegates authority to approve the final designs for Station Gateway Phase 1 to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services, in consultation with the Head of Economy & Planning and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, following the period of stakeholder consultation and undertaking minor modifications as required.
d) delegates to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services the submission of a planning application to the Local Planning Authority on behalf of Crawley Borough Council
e) delegates authority to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services to undertake a procurement tendering exercise to appoint a construction contractor in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Code.
f) delegates authority to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services, to approve the award of the construction contact following an appropriate procurement process.
g) delegates the negotiation, approval and completion of all relevant documentation, including legal paperwork, to the Head of Economy and Planning, Head of Governance, People and Performance and the Head of Corporate Finance
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation).
h) that the Full Council be asked to approve the amalgamation of the two funding streams (£5.4m from the Crawley Growth programme and £2m from the Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme to enable delivery of the project as set out in section 7.2 of report PES/443.
Reasons for the Recommendations
To enable the successful delivery of the Station Gateway Phase 1 scheme which will deliver significant public realm and bus station improvements whilst future-proofing future town centre regeneration schemes.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development presented report PES/443of the Head of Economy and Planning. The report presented the refreshed concept designs for the Station Gateway (Phase 1) public realm and bus station improvements. It sought approval to go out to public and stakeholder consultation and to combine two funding streams (Crawley Growth Programme and Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme.
Councillor Ayling presented the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report OSC/315 to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 27 November 2023, which included:
· Acknowledgement that the delivery of the detailed designs of the scheme would be delivered as part of the Crawley Growth programme.
· Clarification was obtained regarding various elements of the concept design including connectivity improvements for pedestrians and cyclists, together with route access and pick up/drop off areas.
· Confirmation was provided regarding the £7.4m funding to deliver the scheme (“Phase 1”) which was in anticipation of a renewed bid to be led by WSCC to the Department for Transport in the future for “Phase 2” Station Way highway/bus lane infrastructure upgrades.
Councillors Jones, S Mullins, C Mullins, Irvine and Rana spoke as part of the discussion on the report.
That the Cabinet:
a) approves the refreshed concept design for the Station Gateway Phase 1 project found at Appendix A of report PES/443; comprising a public realm and bus station improvement scheme focusing on Friary Way, Haslett Avenue West and The Martlets.
b) approves the refreshed concept design to go out to public and stakeholder consultation, prior to the submission of a planning application and procurement of a construction contractor.
c) delegates authority to approve the final designs for Station Gateway Phase 1 to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services, in consultation with the Head of Economy & Planning and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, following the period of stakeholder consultation and undertaking minor modifications as required.
d) delegates to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services the submission of a planning application to the Local Planning Authority on behalf of Crawley Borough Council
e) delegates authority to the Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services to undertake a procurement tendering exercise to appoint a construction contractor in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Code.
f) delegates authority to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Major Projects and Commercial Services, to approve the award of the construction contact following an appropriate procurement process.
g) delegates the negotiation, approval and completion of all relevant documentation, including legal paperwork, to the Head of Economy and Planning, Head of Governance, People and Performance and the Head of Corporate Finance
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation).
h) that the Full Council be asked to approve the amalgamation of the two funding streams (£5.4m from the Crawley Growth programme and £2m from the Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme ... view the full minutes text for item 9
7 Crawley Station Gateway - Phase 1 PDF 75 KB
To consider report PES/443 of the Head of Economy and Planning.
Additional documents:
The Commission considered report PES/443 of the Head of Economy and Planning. The report presented the refreshed concept designs for Station Gateway (Phase 1) public realm and bus station improvements. It sought approval to go out to public and stakeholder consultation and seek approval to combine two funding streams (Crawley Growth Programme and Towns Fund) already allocated within the Council’s capital programme.
During the discussion with the Leader of the Council and the Head of Economy and Planning the following comments were made:
· Acknowledgement that the delivery of the detailed designs of the scheme would be delivered as part of the Crawley Growth programme.
· Clarification was obtained regarding various elements of the concept design including connectivity improvements for pedestrians and cyclists, together with route access and pick up/drop off areas.
· Recognition that the Council would be working closely with partners and stakeholders to provide a greatly improved cycle and pedestrian access between Crawley railway station, bus station, County Mall and The Martlets. Delivering an enhanced bus station would also result in improved bus and traffic flow around Friary Way, including a dedicated left hand turn for buses from Friary Way onto Station Way.
· Confirmation provided regarding the £7.4m funding to deliver the scheme (“Phase 1”) which was in anticipation of a renewed bid to be led by WSCC to Department for Transport in the future for “Phase 2” Station Way highway/bus lane infrastructure upgrades. It was noted that other sites under development along Station Way/Haslett Avenue had already taken account of the scheme within the development.
That the Commission noted the report and requested that the views expressed during the debate, were fed back to the Cabinet through the Commission’s Comment sheet.