8 Review of the Community Warden Service and Creation of Community Protection Team
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To consider report HCS/064 of the Head of Community Services, which was referred to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission on 4 September 2023.
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That the Cabinet:
a) approves Option 2 for the Community Warden Service, as set out in Section 6 of the report and to note the Community Protection Team – Proposed Service Model and Structure (Appendix A of report HCS/064)
b) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services to conduct the necessary consultation arrangements, fulfil the changes and decisions on all human resources matters, subject to the appropriate guidelines and procedures, as set out in the Constitution.
(Generic Delegation 11 will be used to enact this recommendation)
c) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services to conduct a tender process and procurement exercise in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Code, for the straying dogs service to be delivered by a specialist provider.
(Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
d) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Governance, People and Performance to approve the contract award of the straying dogs service following an appropriate procurement process.
(Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
e) delegates the negotiation, approval, and completion of all relevant legal documentation, following the awarding of the contract, to the relevant head of service, Head of Governance, People and Performance, and Head of Corporate Finance, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member.
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
Reasons for the Recommendations
The conclusion of the review is that the current service model is, in parts, no longer fit for purpose and is not designed to meet the increased level of demand for more complex enforcement activity.
Revising the role profiles and salary scale as recommended is critical to ensuring the Council can attract and retain staff with the required specialist skills, qualifications and experience to deliver a high performing and quality service.
The proposed revised Community Protection model (attached as Appendix A) will modernise the service in order to meet the identified demands namely, providing local residents with an enhanced enforcement response to anti-social behaviour, low level public-space crime and environmental crime.
The straying dogs service continues to face challenges related to the size, breeds and behaviour of dogs, and Crawley is facing a similar national trend of an increase in abandoned dogs, rather than lost pets. To successfully address this service requirement, the recommendation is to procure and enter into a contract with a specialist provider for the straying dog service to fulfil this function.
The recommendation is to refresh the Community Wardens Service including all associated functions, processes and procedures and relaunch it as the Community Protection Team which will deliver enhanced enviro-crime and ASB investigation and enforcement activity.
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The Cabinet Member for Public Protection presented report HCS/064of the Head of Community Services. The report sought to review a proposed restructure of the Community Warden Service, including the Straying Dogs provision.
Councillor Ayling presented the Overview and Scrutiny Commission’s comments on the report OSC/313 to the Cabinet following consideration of the matter at its meeting on 4 September 2023.
Councillors Crow and Burgess were invited to speak on the item, and both commenting their general support of the proposals.
Cabinet Members, Councillors C Mullins, S Mullins and Jones all as part of the discussion on the report, emphasising their full support on the proposed changes.
That the Cabinet:
a) approves Option 2 for the Community Warden Service, as set out in Section 6 of the report and to note the Community Protection Team – Proposed Service Model and Structure (Appendix A of report HCS/064)
b) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services to conduct the necessary consultation arrangements, fulfil the changes and decisions on all human resources matters, subject to the appropriate guidelines and procedures, as set out in the Constitution.
(Generic Delegation 11 will be used to enact this recommendation)
c) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services to conduct a tender process and procurement exercise in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Code, for the straying dogs service to be delivered by a specialist provider.
(Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
d) delegates authority to the Head of Community Services, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Governance, People and Performance to approve the contract award of the straying dogs service following an appropriate procurement process.
(Generic Delegation 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
e) delegates the negotiation, approval, and completion of all relevant legal documentation, following the awarding of the contract, to the relevant head of service, Head of Governance, People and Performance, and Head of Corporate Finance, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member.
(Generic Delegations 2 & 3 will be used to enact this recommendation)
Reasons for the Recommendations
The conclusion of the review is that the current service model is, in parts, no longer fit for purpose and is not designed to meet the increased level of demand for more complex enforcement activity.
Revising the role profiles and salary scale as recommended is critical to ensuring the Council can attract and retain staff with the required specialist skills, qualifications and experience to deliver a high performing and quality service.
The proposed revised Community Protection model (attached as Appendix A) will modernise the service in order to meet the identified demands namely, providing local residents with an enhanced enforcement response to anti-social behaviour, low ... view the full minutes text for item 8
5 Review of the Community Warden Service and the Creation of Community Protection Team
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Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under the authority.
To consider report HCS/064 of the Head of Community Services.
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Exempt Paragraphs 1 & 4 –
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Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under the authority.
The Commission considered report HCS/064 of the Head of Community Services. The report sought a review and proposed restructure of the Community Warden Service, including the Straying Dogs provision..
During the discussion with the Cabinet Member for Public Protection, the Head of Community Services and the Public Protection and Enforcement Manager, Councillors made the following comments:
· Acknowledgement that following a review, it was determined that the current service model was, in parts, no longer fit for purpose and was not currently designed to meet the increased level of demand for more complex enforcement activity.
· Recognition that meaningful change was required, and the proposed revised Community Protection model sought to modernise the service in order to meet the identified demands. It would provide local residents with an enhanced enforcement response to anti-social behaviour, low level public-space crime and environmental crime.
· It was remarked that it would be beneficial to consider the future financial longevity of the service.
· Confirmation was sought and explanation provided on the financial aspects documented in the appendix, along with clarification on the service resources, which was confirmed were of a similar nature to those benchmarked.
· Clarity was also sought on the straying dogs service and its future provision.
· Recognition that it was paramount that any change needed to be clearly communicated to the public and this included reporting mechanisms, monitoring systems and analysis.
· General support for option 2, which was felt would deliver an improved service for the benefits of residents, stakeholders and the community. Given the importance of the service, it was moved by Councillor Ayling (seconded by Councillor Hellier) that the OSC receive an update on the newly formed Community Protection Team in approximately 18 months’ time (subject to timescales and resources).
With the agreement of the Chair, Councillor Burgess also spoke on the item and the Cabinet Member together with the Public Protection and Enforcement Manager responded to their questions on the report.
That the Commission noted the report and requested that the views expressed during the debate, including the recommendation above, were fed back to the Cabinet through the Commission’s Comment sheet.