Issue - meetings

Decision Taken Under Special Urgency: Business Grants Payments

Meeting: 18/11/2020 - Councillors' Information Bulletin (Item 4.)

Decision Taken Under Special Urgency: Additional Restrictions Discretionary Business Grant - Revised Scheme and Guidelines

In line with the Special Urgency provisions set out in paragraph 16.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules within the Constitution, on 17 November 2020 Councillor Peter Lamb, as Leader of the Council, approved the following under delegated powers:


  • The revised guidelines over the Business Grant Applications (Local Authority Additional Restrictions Discretionary Grants Fund) so that local business can apply for the further Discretionary Business Grant payments as soon as possible.


  • That the use of the additional funding of £2,248,180 is available for Discretionary Business Grant payments to support Crawley local businesses, this is for the period up to 31st March 2022.


  • Delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Finance in consultation with the Head of Economy and Planning, or another senior Officer, the decisions on individual business grant payments, subject to successful due diligence checks, application assessment and fraud checks.


Special Urgency was used for this decision as it had been impracticable to publish a Forthcoming Decision Notice for the 28 clear days period and to publish the report for five clear working days.  The Chair of the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission has agreed the use of the Special Urgency.


Protected from Call-In – In line with Call-In Procedure Rule 8 the Chief Executive has protected these decisions from Call-In due to their urgent nature.  This is so the Council can start supporting its businesses as soon as possible.